


Wonderdrink 6

ITEX 2020 金奖


MTE 2021 金奖



Wonderdrink 6

心脏疾病是马来西亚致死率最高的原因。 至2015起, 一直到2020年最新的统计数据显示, 心血管疾病一直都是稳拿第一名。 . 。 以最新的统计数字显示, 男子死于心血管疾病的比率更高达69.4% , 女子30.6%。

马来西亚是东南亚成年人肥胖率最高的国家。 在 2019 年全国健康和发病率调查中,据报道,我们成年人口中有 50.1% 超重 (30.4%) 或肥胖 (19.7%)。 肥胖是非传染性疾病 (NCD) 的危险因素,如 2 型糖尿病、心血管疾病和多种癌症,如乳腺癌、大肠癌、胰腺癌和肾癌。 与体重正常的人相比,肥胖会使男性患 2 型糖尿病的风险增加 7 倍,女性增加 12 倍。

  • 四肢麻痹 / 疼痛
  • 全身乏力
  • 心悸, 胸闷
  • 呼吸急促, 容易气喘
  • 头痛 / 头晕
  • 肥胖人士
  • 3高人群
  • 40岁以上的男士
  • 夜猫子
  • 不良饮食习惯者 / 少吃蔬菜类人士
  • 抽烟喝酒
  • 时常聚会聚餐的人


血管堵塞就像交通拥堵, 沉积在血管中的脂肪就像交警设的路障。 这种堆积的脂肪物质会突然爆裂,然后形成血块(血栓)。 当冠状动脉发生动脉血栓形成时,会导致 心脏病. 当大脑血管中发生动脉血栓形成时,会导致 中风.


传统配方, 科学理论

高脂血症是存在于血流中的脂质代谢异常。 本研究旨在研究 ZACA 提取物在体外和体内对高胆固醇饮食 (HCD) 大鼠的影响。

Stage 1 | Connected with the professional

This work was supported by Management & Science University (MSU) under Grant [MSU-RMC-02/FR01/08/L3/***] and the company  providing ZACA extracts (wonderdrink6).

In this research, wonderdrink6 is called ZACA extracts. It’s an abbreviation form of Zinger officinale(Ginger), Allium sativum(Garlic), Citrus(Lemon), honey, and Malus domestica (Apple Cider)vinegar.

Stage 2 | Confirm the method

36 Sprague dawley (SD) rats were divided equally into 6 groups. ZACA extracts (1mg/kg, 3 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg) were administered along with high cholesterol diet (HCD) via oral gavage, daily for 18 weeks. Simvastatin 10 mg/kg was used as a standard drug.

Stage 2 | Confirm the Person in charge

Kokila Vani Perumal1, 2 , Kasturi Kanniappan2 , Hasnah Bahari1, and Santhra Segaran Balan1

Stage 3 | Research starts
ZACA extract has provided by Wonderdrink for hyperlipidaemia research.

Meeting up with Professor Dr. Norshararina Shari & Santhra Segaran Balan. 

Stage 3 | Study's on going

6 groups of rats were put into research and observed by twice a day basis. Person in charge cleans the containers on daily basis, clearing off the leftover and faeces.

N.C. -  Normal chow Diet (this is a reference group)

P.C. - High Cholesterol Diet

D.C. - High Cholesterol Diet, Simvastatin Drug control

W1 - High Cholesterol Diet, Consuming wonderdrink6  1mg per kg, Or equivalent to 6ml For human

W2 - High Cholesterol Diet, Consuming wonderdrink6  3mg per kg, Or equivalent to 18ml For human

W3 -  High Cholesterol Diet, Consuming wonderdrink6  5mg per kg, Or equivalent to 30ml For human

Stage 3 | Research on going

Rats at the beginning refuse to consumer ZACA extracts, researcher mix ZACA extracts into food given, and problem has solved.

Stage 3 | Research on going

During an informal discussion between MSU and Natural Tone, we found out there is nothing changed in rats from the vivo: the only difference is group NC (normal chow diet) rats are slimmer.

Stage 3 | Research on going

9 weeks has past. Researchers realized rat groups that administered with ZACA extracts are generally bigger than the others. Sample tested on scale shows the same too: the mentioned groups were heavier. This might be due to extra calories consumed.  Both MSU and Natural Tone were worried the result will come out unexpectedly.

Stage 4 | Sample collection
18 weeks over. Proceed to sample collection step.

At the end of the study, the rats were fasting for 12 hours. Thereafter, the rats were anesthetized with diethyl ester. The blood samples were obtained by using the cardiac puncture method. Then, the blood samples were centrifuged (3000 rpm for 15 minutes) to separate the serum. The serum (supernatant) was removed and stored at -20°C for biochemical assay. Liver, kidney, retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RpWAT), visceral fat, gonadal fat were removed, washed with saline, and weighed. The parts of the liver, kidney, RpWAT tissue were fixed in 10% NBF (neutral buffered formalin) for histological examination.

Stage 4 | Compiling data
Compiling all the required data

However, there’s still 1 more test result not yet complete in Hospital Pantai sg buloh

Project on hold
Pandemic COVID started on Mar 2020. And hyperlipidaemia Study has temporarily stopped for several months.
First Draft has completed.
First Draft has completed.

Written by Kokila Vani Perumal.

Result is realised
Result and discussion

Based on vitro data, ZACA extracts had ORAC value 2000 μmol TE/100 mL, TPC (7537 ± 54.5%), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity (27.34 ± 2.71%) , Elastase inhibitory assay (29.29 ± 1.65%) and Lipoxygenase inhibitory assay (98.58 ± 1.42%). Based on vivo data, ZACA extracts treated groups reduced in bodyweight, organ weights (Liver, Adipose tissue, Kidney) and positive improvement in blood toxicity (Creatinine, AST, ALT) and lipid profile (TC, TG, LDL, HDL). 

In conclusion: The results demonstrate that ZACA extracts have a hyperlipidemic activity that can be an alternative approach to combat hyperlipidemia complications

Participate international scientific competition.

Management and Science University (MSU) participate in virtual 31st International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX’20), Malaysia. This Hyperlipidaemia research has won GOLD medal in Health, beauty and sports category.

More info >>

Participate international scientific competition.

Management and Science University (MSU) participate in virtual Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE2021), Malaysia. This Hyperlipidaemia research has won GOLD Medal in healthcare, personal care, biotechnology and life sciences category.

More info >>


一段简短的视频,展示了 wonderdrink6 如何帮助清除血管阻塞。


Wonderdrink 6 浓缩型植物混合饮料不含防腐剂、色素、糖精或任何化学添加剂。
产品质量标准认证包括了SGS (国际检验和认证机构) 公司拥有清真认证、MeSTI认证,马来西亚卫生部食品安全与质量FOSIM注册证。


Shaiful Shah Rani

Wonderdrink6 联合创始人


Wonderdrink 6

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